Two maps

The Demolition Project began just over a year ago with a demolition session in ]performance space[, Hackney Wick.


These were some of the first demolitions carried out by participants, making a map of words and a map of holes … Tomorrow we mark a year of demolishing London with the launch of our progress report at Rich Mix in Bethnal Green.

Where next for the Demolition Project? Watch this blog…

Demolition of the day: Buckingham Palace

In April 2014, David bulldozed a house in London SW1, giving three reasons and a proposal for reusing the land:

Buckingham Palace

– Falls foul of the bedroom tax

– Too big for 1 family

– Symbol of imperialist colonialism

– Replace with affordable housing



Demolition of the day: a footprint in Hyde Park

In April 2014, Alexis tore up an area of turf in Hyde Park in the shape of a giant footprint. Here’s her story:

Tour out a shape of a footprint out of Hyde Park. Reason is that I was in Hyde Park one day reading peacefully until one old man bothered me about taking photos & feeling my bare feet. He had a collection of photos, a strange foot fettish!


There’s a lesson in there somewhere but we’re not sure what it is.


Demolition of the day: Huddleston Rd, N7

In April 2014, ANON wiped Huddleston Rd in Tufnell Park off the map, with the explanation:

Waiting to be arrested for some thing that happened there.


It’s okay now, ANON, you can relax – all the evidence of your crime has been eliminated. And we certainly won’t tell anyone.

Demolition of the day: Apt 2.5, Pattern House

In August 2013 Carla demolished Apt. 2.5 Pattern House, which seems to be in St John Street EC1. She gave the laconic and intriguing reason:

The home of Dr. Evil


– and signed off with three kisses. We hope Dr Evil doesn’t move to a secret lair in a volcano near us now that he’s homeless.

Demolition of the day: the new US embassy

In April 2014, Thea demolished the new US embassy, explaining in a redacted note:

Sad attempt to replicate NY landmarks with overpriced apartments. & small parks surrounded by commercial xxxxxxxxx chains.


We have no idea what the censored part of the note says or who blacked it out. Perhaps the NSA knows.